CV Coaching

CV Coaching will help you highlight your qualities, strengths and achievements so that your CV stands out and gets shortlisted, and also to make an instant impact during the job interview.


What is it?

CV Coaching consists in getting you and your CV (Curriculum Vitae) ready for the job selection process and job interviews. Main focus is that you get better results and following that goal techniques such as Coaching, Storytelling or Role play are used (including job interview simulation if required).


Who do we help?

Anyone willing to:

  • Impress the recruiter through the CV and job interview.
  • Make the best out of his background and qualities through the CV and job interview.
  • Get his CV shortlisted for the job interview they want.

Also for the ones that:

  • Face their first job interview and want to be correctly prepared.
  • Have had several interviews without achieving the desired success.


How does it work?
  • We will go through your CV so that it stands out and lands you more interviews.
  • We will work around your strengths, achievements and qualities so that your stand out with your CV and the job interview.
  • We will also work around your weaknesses and how make them work in the job interview.
  • Job interview potential questions preparation.
  • In case of having a specific job offer, we will work out how to make the best out of your curriculum so that it fits in.

All in one session of 90 minutes.


The process
  1. Free preliminary contact (phone call, video call or mail), so that you can expose your situation and adjust the approach to your needs.
  2. 90 minutes session (face to face or video call). The number of sessions will be according your needs, most typically one or two sessions maximum required.


What does a CV Coaching process include?
  • One coaching session of 90minuts with a certified coach (PCC by ICF) with more than 1.000 hours of experience.
  • CV redaction or graphic editing is NOT included. It includes a CV analysis focused in increasing your CV effectiveness.

Note: prior delivery of the CV required, at least 48h before the session.



Increased opportunities to get the job you want through a more effective CV and preparation and higher confidence for job interviews.


Let’s start!

If you feel CV Coaching could help you, the best is that we discuss your situation by phone (+ 34 639 739143) or if you prefer it by mail ( so that we can tailor the approach to your needs.

For further information or doubts clarification contact